Wednesday, December 24, 2008
words written on the fallen leaf
12:04 PM
Monday, December 22, 2008
I really got to stop expecting too much.
Love was never meant to be like this.
Arghhh stop listening to emo songs, especially Kelvin Kwan's songs!
To WS,
Oh well I hope you know who you are. Haha...I want to thank you for being my whinings-listener even though I can turn very very violent and also when you don't understand what I'm talking about (I know you don't).
Gahhh I hate it when our people think that our friendship is more than what it actually is cause I don't want it to affect our friendship. I really do want to continue to be able to complain to you about *ahem ahem*...haha oh you can always complain to me too.
I love double Ho!
oh my Minho!
YunHo, leader-shii
words written on the fallen leaf
1:33 AM
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
"I see a generation
Rising up to take their place
With selfless faith
With selfless faith
I see a near revival
Stirring as we pray and seek
We're on our knees
We're on our knees"
Are we like them?
How can we when we are judging each other? When we're on our feet, ready to stamp those who have done wrong? Ready to look down on them?
Selfless faith? Where is it? It's definitely not within us.
But we are praying and seeking.
Pray and seek with us if you care about the Youth Ministry.
Every Friday, 8 pm in church.
words written on the fallen leaf
9:23 PM
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Clesias has new loves!
Green apple milk tea from each-a-cup
Korean songs, esp from bands/groups like SHINee (<3!)
To WC,
Just to say that we are not abandoning you in this difficult time! We are beside you and you can always come to us when you need us. To you, we can be the pink safe cuddly strong castle when you need one to cry in. But we are not going to be in front of you and shield you from what is going to happen. I believe that God didn't abandon you and He will never do it ever.
words written on the fallen leaf
2:43 AM
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
two things.
one is giving up,
it's not that i don't have feelings for you anymore
how can i?
it's just that we are (too) different
and i can't expect anything from you
except friendship
goodbye love, hello friendship.
i'm trusting God
the other is disappointment,
i can't say that i'm not,
that will be lying, won't it?
the decision was plain wrong
from the start
all of us couldn't see that
but now, too late
goodbye innocence, hello regret
i'm still trusting God :)
With God, I never had the need for masks. Instead... true love shields me.
words written on the fallen leaf
12:49 AM
Monday, August 18, 2008
In the movie "Da Vinci Code", the person who planned the murder and helped in unraveling the various codes and secret messages did it because he wanted the heir of Jesus Christ to reveal him or herself. He rationalized that when the heir of Jesus is revealed, people of colour and of minority and women will no longer be oppressed in this cruel world
We Christians scoff at the idea of Jesus having a child and are insulted when anybody dare to suggest that what we believe is a lie and a facade. However, aren't we all heirs of God and co-heir with Jesus? I think what God wants is that we as heirs/sons/daughters are revealed as people who bask in His love and who is willing to share that love and in that way, people of colour and of minority and women will no longer be oppressed but set free. But are we willing to be revealed? Or are we living in the shadows (when we ourselves carry a little light that can lead them to the biggest light source) and pretend that our soul is as dark as the non-Christians?
Somehow that doesn't sound so impossible after all.
words written on the fallen leaf
9:12 PM
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Moonlight Resonance
I suddenly miss Ray (Lam not Mok!)
I'm so glad that I can see him again!
words written on the fallen leaf
10:20 PM