Monday, August 18, 2008
In the movie "Da Vinci Code", the person who planned the murder and helped in unraveling the various codes and secret messages did it because he wanted the heir of Jesus Christ to reveal him or herself. He rationalized that when the heir of Jesus is revealed, people of colour and of minority and women will no longer be oppressed in this cruel world
We Christians scoff at the idea of Jesus having a child and are insulted when anybody dare to suggest that what we believe is a lie and a facade. However, aren't we all heirs of God and co-heir with Jesus? I think what God wants is that we as heirs/sons/daughters are revealed as people who bask in His love and who is willing to share that love and in that way, people of colour and of minority and women will no longer be oppressed but set free. But are we willing to be revealed? Or are we living in the shadows (when we ourselves carry a little light that can lead them to the biggest light source) and pretend that our soul is as dark as the non-Christians?
Somehow that doesn't sound so impossible after all.
words written on the fallen leaf
9:12 PM